Possible mistakes
Code | Message |
1 | Api disabled on the server |
2 | Error api key |
3 | Error auth. Your IP doesn't have access |
4 | Incorrect proxy type |
5 | Proxies by proxy type disabled on the server |
6 | Incorrect country |
7 | Country disabled on the server |
8 | Incorrect mobile operator |
10 | Incorrect auth type |
11 | Incorrect rentPeriodDays |
13 | Incorrect protocol |
14 | Incorrect goal |
16 | Insufficient funds on balance |
18 | Incorrect rotationTime |
19 | Incorrect quantity |
21 | Payment system disabled on the server |
23 | Incorrect authIp |
24 | Incorrect ipAddressIds |
28 | Not all ipAddressIds specified for proxy type |
29 | Incorrect orderIds |
35 | Unknown error |
Last updated